Think you have a postpartum mood and anxiety disorder?

Imagine not worrying about what's wrong with you.

With this course, you will receive 4 symptom trackers and over 8+ infographics to guide you in your postpartum mental health! Plus, utilize the free how-to videos for using the symptom trackers!

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction + PDF

  • 2

    PMADs Overall

    • PMAD Symptom Review + PDF

    • Postpartum Mood Tracker + PDF

  • 3

    Postpartum Depression

    • Postpartum Depression Symptom Tracker + PDF

    • Postpartum Depression Infographic

    • Baby Blues vs Postpartum Depression

  • 4

    Postpartum Anxiety

    • Postpartum Anxiety Symptom Tracker + PDF

    • Postpartum Anxiety Infographic

  • 5

    Postpartum Rage

    • What is postpartum rage?

  • 6

    Postpartum OCD

    • Postpartum OCD Symptom Tracker + PDF

    • Postpartum OCD Infographic

    • Postpartum OCD vs Postpartum Psychosis

  • 7

    Postpartum Psychosis

    • Postpartum Psychosis Symptom Tracker + PDF

    • Postpartum Psychosis Infographic